Saturday, July 28, 2007

I finished it, the last Harry Potter book. It was great, I highly recommend it. It had a lot of reference back to the previous books regarding names, events, etc. I had some difficulty with it, because I have CRS (can't remember shit). So I depended on my daughter Katie to fill me in when I got an attack. It really hurts your brain when you can't remember anything. I don't know if it's old age or just too much info collected in the grey matter, it can be frustrating as hell. But, it can also be fun too. I just re-read Bridges of Madison County and it was great, because the details were foggy from the first time. It was like reading it for the first time. This must be why I am fat, I forgot that I just ate !!!! It's really not that bad, but almost.

I finished another wine bag. This one is a special order for my friend's mortgage company, she wants 4 to start with. She wants to give them to her clients when they get a mortgage. I enjoy making them. I just figured out that I am probably making a little more than breaking even by charging $25.oo for them. Then, if you factor in the time, well forgetaboutit. What do you think about the price? I guess I just have to revisit my motivation for making these bags. They are filling a need. They are pretty, I enjoy buying fabric and sewing. I love getting positive feedback on them. So, I guess it's worth the time and trouble.

The rock star is getting ready to go out and play with his band right now. (Nick is second from left) He is such a freak of nature. He really has no ego. He is not impressed with his success or has any clue how to take advantage of it. It's a good thing I'm not a rock star, I would be such a slut about it. He takes after his father that way. He is a great kid, but a nervous wreck. (that's his father too). Tommorow he is playing at a hot rod show, I'll take some pics and people watch. Maybe I'll have something interesting next time.

So goes another ramble by me. I'll be back


Home ec new Haven said...

It's about damn time you updated your blog! I suck at pricing but $25 sounds good to me. I am really good at bargain shopping tough, so I would probably try to find a way to make them as cheaply as possibly by scouring the remnant bins a few times a week. Make friends with the people at the fabric store and ask them to put aside any good home dec pieces that they see. Use your JoAnn's coupons (you can print them online too!) and get 40% each cut of fabric.
I wish I was going to see Nick play, I love that kid!

Home ec new Haven said...

I meant to say ..... bargain shopping though....

BTW- the new bag is great!