Friday, July 18, 2008

Everglades Airboat Tour

Did you notice the new picture up there???? We went on a an airboat tour in the Everglades on Tuesday.

It was raining. Typically when you think of an Everglades tour you think of going across a river of grass in an airboat. This tour went through the mangrove swamps. It would have been great if it was hot and sunny, because we were under a canopy of mangrove trees most of the time. I particularly like this picture, it shows a light at the end of the tunnel. It was hard to see most of the time, because the rain was hitting my face like needles when we went fast. I wore my sunglasses and had a rubber poncho on with a hood. Here is a picture of the pelicans that decided to hitch a ride with us

We also saw some alligators, very cool and large too! They come right up to the boat to check us out. Don't worry, the guide carries a gun..

On the way out of Everglades City we saw these wild boars hanging out at the local Citgo station waiting for handouts from the tourists.

AINT HE PURTY???????????????

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