Thursday, July 17, 2008

I know, I know, it has been awhile. I have many excuses, so before I think up another one, I will just put in a quick update. I have been working a lot. I need the benefits, so I went back full time. I am no longer the princess who gets to leave work at nap time. No more cruising my favorite blogs while contemplating dinner plans. Squeezing in time for a creative endeavor is becoming a challenge. Hard descisions are now the norm, what would you choose, glass of wine or sewing ? I haven't been able to master the quilting along with a couple glass of wine.

I really admire those mom's (my sister Carol ) I don't know how they do it. How can you work full time with small kids? You have to drive them everywhere, feed them, find them socks that match, and find time to cut your toenails, and shave your armpits. Something has to suffer, right? Goldfish, oooops, did anyone feed it this week? Ooops...flush.....

I did find some time to make this new birdbath for my friend Kim. I had to let the housework and laundry go this weekend, so what's a few days on the same bra, who's gonna notice? Besides it's too hot here for underwear anyway.

This is for Kim, by request. She wanted something Key Westie, colorful, and fun. She loves it. I am going to deliver it to her tonight.

Oh and my computer was in the shop too, excuse #43, so thanks to all my wonderful creative friends and all the links and sites I check out, I had to have this machine tuned up. It was getting pretty slow and sluggish like me. It seems to be a little perkier now. Gotta go read about 347 emails and catch up......


Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Hello there!
The children think I am cooking!

Home ec new Haven said...

Yay, A new post!!!
Deb, you used to be me or I am the old you...whatever.
You just got out of that way of living and frankly, no one in their right mind would ever go back willingly!
I remember when you would have yards of fabric zipping through your sewing machine, while making dinner, arranging carpools, doing laundry, and deciding to knock down a wall and re-grout the tile mid-afternoon. Oh, but your kids socks never matched :)