I need to remodel this blog, it is boring me. Any ideas, anyone??? The template choices in google blogs are few and boring. Can I get other ones and put them in here? I have no clue. I am up late tonight, because I suddenly realized that the only way I can actually be home alone, is to get up when they are all sleeping.
When we moved here 3 years ago, it was just me and Bob. Then they started flying south. First Nick, then Katie, now Gramma is here too. None of them are a problem by themselves, but all together gets a little claustraphobic at times. I don't want much, just some space sometimes. So, here I am at midnight ALONE YIPPIE......
So, I got up and thought, I'll update my blog. I walked over to my computer, and guess what? It was missing. They boy has it in his room with the door shut, crap, now what am I going to do?? I can wake him up, but then I won't be alone. Then it hit me, I can use Bob's new computer. But I don't have my pictures stored in it, or my favorites, etc. I don't even know the addresses for my flickr page, or my blog..what to do????
Oh I'll try Google blog search, it worked and I found myself and got around on my links on the page. That is when I realized my blog is boring. If I get some alone time tomorrow I can work on it on my computer with my pictures and stuff.
Uh oh, I think I hear an insomniac stirring about, anyone got some Ambient???? Crap!