Thursday, July 12, 2007

family visit

Here I am in CT again. It has been an interesting trip. Uneventfull, interesting, boring, and at times strange and wonderful. The ride is endless, but we took 3 days to get here, rather than the usual two. My feet didn't swell and it was a little more tolerable. For some unknown reason, I really dreaded this trip. I have an aversion to long boring rides and I was sure that was why. I really don't miss CT, I love Florida. There are some good things about visiting CT. Seeing the family and friends, the grandchildren, here is my newest cutie

She has grammas thighs and red hair.

Since I don't live here anymore, the dynamics are different. I am more of an observer than a participant. It is a strange role to be in. I am just peeking into everyone's lives for a moment, then poof, I am gone.....till the next time.


Home ec new Haven said...

Um, I thought we determined that she has Aunt Carol's fatty-girl thighs?
I was happy to see you for the 5 minutes that I're very popular!

Tree said...

Deb-- Your grand daughter is adorable... I think she has my thighs... But she looks like Bob... Totally no the feeling of"observer" You put it very well... I feel that way every time I go to Chi. Well, enjoy the rest of the trip. Looking forward to a glass of wine when we are both done vacationing!

Tree said...

OK -- I meant KNOW not No... My brain is on vacation too!